Cyber hacking is shaping up to become the major threat to people of the world in this era of technology. From harming country to making some profit or blackmailing people these cyber criminals usually look for the flaws in technology that have not been find out or rectified by the tech developers. Moreover, Cyber world is constant world of change with new tech software emerging one after other making it become easy for the cyber hacker to find the new loopholes in the tech system.
It is need of the time, to stay prepared and one step ahead of these nefarious hackers to protect yourself from their attacks. Especially, government and educational institution could play very vital role in it by promoting the environment where understanding of cyber security could be distributed by them.
Predicting what cyber security have in store with regard to future is difficult but the pace at which world is moving toward the tech advancement, we can theorize what it may look like in the future. The attitude toward cyber security will change, it will move away from defensive stance on the cyber matters to the acceptance of cyber-attacks with major focus on how to minimize the damage and foster recoverability from these attacks. Recently, there is huge investment in the area of cyber security paralleling with growing risk of cyber attacks.
State government and business companies are constantly looking for the individuals with expertise in cyber security and there are abundance of courses provided in that field. But for the next decade we can assume that cybersecurity will among discipline taught at the primary school level with the aim of fostering population with expertise in cyber protection. This trend of growing cyber awareness vary from region to region with some countries accepting it as the need of hour while, some choose to ignore it to focus more on problem of other nature such as poverty and human developments.
AI and machine learning model (ML models) are the defining feature of new era of digitization. With there emergence uncertainty arises that, how they will influence the future of cybersecurity. They can be used for good and bad purpose. AI helps in rapid detection of multiple cyber threats simultaneously countering these threats. So AI and ML models are used in intrusion detection and prevention system as the use algorithm that Monitor network traffic and detect malicious attacks.
But at the same times those system are used by hackers. With growing use of AI technology, the frequency of cyber attacks increased. Cyber criminals use AI to their benefit to generate convincing email or website that look legitimate which they use in hacking process. Also, AI is used for breaking password, generating fraud emails, impersonation and deep fake generation. AI is like double edged sword as it poses dilemma in which direction this sword will swing.
Business organization are becoming lucrative marketplace for the cyber criminals. Most cyber attack that target business organization focused on extraction of money. As per report of the Sophos British cyber security company , 60℅ business companies were exposed to cyber attacks causing significant loss of money. In Ransomware attacks hacker target the important business device, thus hijacking working of business till ransom is paid to hackers. These attacks are becoming center focus of cyber security. Business organization spends million on their security system to prevent such cyber attacks. For future we can expect that the major focus of cyber security will be on countering these attacks. We can expect that in future cyber security will play more active role in state policy given it can be used as tool to achieve political objective of defense so we can expect great funding from the governments of different nation in cyber security field.
Moreover, most of the cyber attacks are now collaborative in nature and conducted by groups of people as they require diverse set of expertise to conduct those cyber operation. These collaborative efforts lead to increase in potency of attacks increasing cyber risks. We can say that the future of cyber security is more uncertain given the evolving nature of the technology but we can say that it will be major feature of the upcoming time with growing awareness and rapid digitalization of the world.
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